SETIN will prepare the Management Plan of Primeval Beech Forests Natural World Heritage Site

SETIN is involved in the preparation of the “Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe” UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site.

The Site is composed by 67 sub-sites (i.e. component parts or clusters) across Europe and, in Italy, this Natural World Heritage Site is composed by 10 sub-sites, located in 5 parks. They comprises “outstanding examples of evolutionary and developmental processes of beech forests since the glacial period, giving rise to a terrestrial ecosystem that has shaped an entire continent in a global unique manner”.

Specifically, we will prepare the Management Plan for the Italian sub-sites, also incorporating the contributions from the partnership members, i.e. management bodies of the parks (National Parks of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise, Gargano, Pollino, Foreste Casentinesi and Regional Park of Bracciano) and University of Tuscia.